Saturday 9 April 2011

Quilting Adventures in Knitterland
patchwork/quilting workshop

Today DD and I are driving to quite another part of this sprawling city to attend a patchwork/quilting workshop. We met the owner of the business (Aussie Patches), Elizabeth Wallace, at the recent craft show. Somehow, we came to enrol in a quilting workshop - a long way from home.

DD and I have been discussing our options for several days.

The Floor Mat
Neither of us really wants to take the floor mat that we started for GS#1. It's not square and we feel a bit embarrassed about it. However, we do have the wadding and the backing (as well as fabric for the binding) and we have to finish it sometime - so it is going with us.

The 30 Completed Blocks currently 8.5 x 8.5 inches
blocks shown here, here and here

We decided that since we had used medium-quality cotton fabrics from the Big Box Store*, we should buy our sashing from the same place (thus - in theory - being the same quality). It doesn't make sense to us to buy higher quality fabric that will outlast the fabric we have already used. Decision made; but we were not able to buy enough of the fabric we wanted for the sashing on our quilt top.  So now we have the option of buying better quality fabric or waiting until (and hoping that) the Big Box Store gets in the fabric we want (navy - tending towards purple - homespun, in case you're wondering).

We were also unable to decide whether it would be better to make two twin bed quilts or one queen size quilt (we won't be keeping them; they will be donated to charity). We bought a piece of queen-sized cotton wadding which we may be able to cut down to two twin sizes.  I have washed the wadding (by hand) and dried it flat in the garage - my car had to stay out all night.

We think we have enough fabric to complete the quilt (queen or twins) - - - if we don't make the backing for the floor mat!

Neither of us is thrilled with fabrics we chose so long ago; which is why we are giving them away - we already have two change table mats and a floor mat from the fabrics, and photos of the blocks.

Our final idea is to turn the finished blocks into drawstring bags (lined with the fabric we would have used for the backing) and start a new quilt with better quality fabrics.

Result: the blocks are going with us.

Tomorrow's post will tell you which option we took.

* I call it "Big Box Store" - there are two of this type in my area; one is called Sp*tl*ght, the other is L*ncr*ft - both offer a range of fabrics, knitting yarn, craft materials, medium priced homewares, and no customer service! They are like shopping in a big box!


  1. But the main thing is--You are Quilting! Have Fun!

  2. Sounds like a busy weekend. I had been trying to work out "Big Box Store" - now I know. And I thoroughly agree. Oh I wish we had a choice of smaller INDEPENDENT stores here in Australia


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