Friday 29 August 2014

look, mum, no pins

Just a short post today – I’ve finally managed to get into my sewing room this week!

Piecing curves is apparently one of those things that quilters avoid.

I have a very good teacher but she likes pins – lots of them. She also clips the concave curves.

Today, I found two videos on YouTube about piecing curves without the use of pins.


I tried the first way but the second way works better for me – except I press towards the quarter circle.

Have to go – I have more curves to piece! See you next Tuesday.


  1. Very nice! I use few-to-none pins also! Are you making the drunkard's path block? It's on my list of dies to buy for Accuquilt!

  2. I use as few pins as possible as I find the pins get in the way. I must make a drunkard's path block quilt at some point in the future.

  3. Sounds like you are having fun. Happy stitching!

  4. Quite the fingernail decor on that gal! Good for you tackling curves!!


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