Tuesday 19 March 2013

there comes a time...

To each of us there comes a time,
 when valleys we must face.
The walls seem steep, no end in sight,
 yet always there is grace.
from the poem "Valleys" by Debra Isenbletter 

Last weekend, WM and I had a wonderful couple of days away, the details of which will be for another post.  On Sunday we had a brief visit from our DD, her husband and our two grandsons.

DD mentioned, very casually, that they would be travelling north on Monday. It was only later that it dawned on WM and I that we had just kissed our grandsons goodbye. We thought we had until after Easter but they are gone. DD will be back to prepare the house for their move but the boys will not come home.

I cannot begin to tell you how painful it is, how long the valley seems, how steep the walls appear!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and still my heart aches. 

But there comes a time when one must push past the pain and resume one's life. As Debra Isenbletter says so simply, "always there is grace". With God's grace, I can move on through this. With trust, I can believe that "all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Today I will tidy my sewing room and make room for some creativity. I will take my sewing machine out of its travel case where it has been for two weeks. And I will stitch my love for our grandsons into a quilt that will be given to someone in the palliative care unit of a local hospital.

May it bring comfort to the recipient and I!


  1. That's right. Acknowledge the pain and then do something useful to make it work for you instead of crippling you. Great words in the intro; thanks for sharing them. Prayers and hugs to you.

  2. Wish I could be there to give you a hug. I know God has it all under controll.

  3. Aw, I'm sorry, Lynne. But you have the right idea of pouring your creativity into a project at this time.

  4. Oh honey, I'm so sorry for your sadness and totally get sewing your love into something that someone else will need and appreciate. Be gentle with yourself, it's like when your daughter left home, it's just the next step, and they will always be in your heart no matter where they actually reside.

  5. This time is obviously very difficult for you. You may not be able,to hug them but you should make sure you see them using Skype and use Facebook to upload video and photos. Sewing is a good choice for getting through your sadness right now.

  6. Sometimes good comes from not so good... I threw myself back into quilting last Sept. because of things happening with some of my loved ones. It helped me to focus on something creative & positive while learning to step back.

    Make something beautiful for yourself or something beautiful for their new home - which ever makes you feel better! And, learn how to Skype or use Facetime ASAP. :-)

  7. I can't begin to imagine the pain you must be experiencing. I am keeping you in my prayers.

  8. My heart aches for you. It's hard being away from my family. Definitely look in to skype or iphones with facetime so you can talk and see them regularly.

  9. http://2hot2knit.blogspot.com.au/

  10. So sorry that it was sooner than you expected, that makes it even harder I think. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  11. Oh dear, I feel your sadness. What a shock to come to the sudden realisation that you won't see those little ones as often as you're used to doing. I can imagine you're feeling a whole range of emotions right now about the manner in which this news was broken. It's a good plan you've made, to be creative (always therapeutic) but please try to do something to pamper yourself as well. It will take time to become accustomed to your situation, and I agree with others who've suggested coming to grips with Skype and Facebook. If your DD and you have iphones I heartily recommend Facetime too. Sending ((hugs)).

  12. I feel your pain. God is in control and has a plan for those who trust in Him. I know this time will be hard for you I think working on a quilt for some one will bring your heart some cheer. Hugs!

  13. I truly sympathize and understand that bereft feeling. Both of my children have moved away. I still miss them terribly between visits. Look into Skype if you don't already have it.


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