Sunday 16 May 2010

knitting for charity

warning: photo heavy post

In April, Australian Inland Ministries was one of the "Charities of the Month" for Yahoo group Knit4Charities. I was the collection point and from late April dozens of parcels arrived at my house. Yesterday was the final tally before I handed the donations over to my contact - I was sent an amazing 449 items! The photos below are a desperate attempt by DD and I to record all the donations.
beanies / hats
 more beanies / hats
still more beanies plus socks, sets, mitts, hair ties, a teddy and a square
 jumpers and cardigans (sweaters)
 still more jumpers and cardigans
scarves, wraps and blankets

I can take a deep breath now, finish putting my study back in order (there are still postpacks and boxes in here) and get back to my knitting.

The Sydney Homeless Connect Day is on Tuesday 8 June and more scarves are required so that's what I'm knitting at the moment. The one currently on my needles is knitted in Moda Vera Spell that I picked up at Spotlight sale a couple of years ago for $2 a ball. I am down to my last 150g. The scarf will be 150cm (60 inches) when I'm finished. I've already sent some beanies and have knitted this pair of fingerless mitts.

In June I will be knitting frantically to complete one more blanket (afghan) for Wrap with Love - that's 28 ten inch (25cm) squares knitted and sewn together. I designed this slipped stitch pattern for a workshop I was tutoring. So far I've done two squares (hey, that's six percent!)


  1. Wow! That's it, just Wow!!!!

  2. Wow, that collection is truly amazing.
    I also love your stitch pattern, clever lady!

  3. So many people to be touched with your knitting-great work (labor of love!) you have accomplished!

  4. What a fantastic effort Lynne - all the knitters who contributed and the work of being the "go to girl".

  5. amazing, so many warm items for those in need...Glorious..

  6. That is an incredible achievement from you and your knitting friends!

  7. Wow! And here I was thinking I had done a lot of knitting this week! hehe! 5 pairs of fingerless gloves and just started a cardigan!

  8. I'm in awe, it must have completely warmed your heart with the spirit of people.


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