On Friday I visited Lincraft. They had all the yarn shown in their catalogue. Ooo, Cleckheaton Cocoon - it's so soft! It's labelled as Baby Cocoon but it's 4ply, 70% wool/30% nylon - that sounds like sock yarn to me!

Over to Spotlight - it is, after all, only five minutes walk from Lincraft. All their new yarn is in and there were very few people in the store [mid-afternoon, wet, cold] so I almost had the whole department to myself.

Then I found the bargain bin. Well, that's not exactly true; I knew where it was, I'd glanced at it a couple of times. Now I gave it my full attention. WM got a second basket [did I happen to mention he's called "Wonderful Man" for a reason?] and these found their way home with us!
16 balls of Magnum Baby 4ply [100% acrylic]

12 balls of Moda Vera Jacklyn [50%acrylic/50% tencel] - another very soft yarn that may be turned into chemo caps. sorry about the blurry photo - I needed to get close up to get an accurate colour!

All for just 50c a ball people! What a bargain!! And so soft! [are we detecting a theme here? LOL]
As for the Cocoon, it's still there waiting. Perhaps mauve Pomatomus socks? I only wear socks under trousers inside full lace-up shoes [ever practical and comfortable, that's me]! My socks can't be seen so, while I love knitting socks, I feel really bad spending all that time/money then hiding the socks anyway! Plus I already have two purple sock yarns in my stash! I need to think on it some more.
And MIL? She was given a gift voucher for the ABC shop for her birthday [half the fun is choosing something you don't have to pay for!] but I'm leaning towards knitting something 'just because'. Perhaps Aran socks or gloves to go with the Aran jumper I knitted years ago and which she loves. I'll let you know...
Oh yes, the cocoon is very soft. I bought some. Not sure what to do with it yet. Was planning baby stuff at the time....
ReplyDeleteHave you got a macro button on your camera? It's usually a little flower picture to indicate the setting. That'll help with the up close shots!
I just told Snr about your wonderful Spotlight find.
ReplyDeleteReply 'I know you miss Lynne, but thank goodness we are not living down there.'
Thinking that you may enable me?
Sounds like you stocked up with yummy yarn! I have yet to try a tencel blend-that is my next try.
ReplyDeleteNice haul! Aren't bargain yarns great!
ReplyDeleteOn the socks - I don't think it matters whether others see them or not, it's never a waste to make gorgeous handknit socks for yourself! You know how great they are and that's all that really matters!
Ooh, gorgeous yarns! It sounds like you've got a lot of good stuff there :)
ReplyDeleteHI Lynne, Im so disappointed that I miss the guild yesterday.I wasn't sure if was the second Saturday or the third Saturday of the month.