Wednesday, 10 August 2011

but that sort of thing doesn't happen to me!

On Friday last week, DD and I went to the inaugural Mad Quilters' Gathering at Penrith Panthers Exhibition Marquee. We really enjoyed it on many levels - it was close to home, we knew some of the stall holders, and it wasn't too crowded so we got to see more (even pushing a large stroller around).

In one corner of the marquee was a stall sponsored by Dayview Textiles. The banner read: Do Your Block for Charity". As I have said in a previous post, DD and I both sewed a block but didn't take any photos. We sewed because we love to sew and to help others with the talents God has given us.

Last night I got a phone call from a man I have never heard of to tell me that, because I had sewed a block, my name had been entered in a draw and I had one the first and only prize.

Now what would be a great prize for a novice quilter?

Notions and Thread?

A sewing machine?

A die cutter?


Yes, fabric. But not just any fabric. Here is a quote directly from the Mad Quilters' Gathering website:
a complete Jinny Beyer 150 x 1 fat ΒΌ palette valued at $1,200

picture copied from the Mad Quilters' Gathering website
I honestly had to sit down while I was taking the call and burst into tears as soon as I got off the phone.

It will be delivered this afternoon; I'm a bit excited!


  1. Wow, Lynne, congratulations. I'm not a quilter but that box of beautiful colours is stunning. I'm sure you'll make many beautiful items from that for yourself and to share.

  2. OMG!!!!!! This is crazy. Don't you feel like hyperventilating? Congratulations and enjoy!

  3. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see what you create from it.

  4. What an excellent stamp of approval on this new road you are on! I am so happy for you! Looking forward to many good projects from this treasure's bounty!

  5. So exciting!! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  6. Congratulations! What an amazing and blessed few weeks you have had in this exciting new venture. You deserve it!

  7. Congratulation! What a prize!

  8. can't ... breathe ... hyperventilating

  9. OH MY GOODNESS! Are you the luckiest lady ever!?! Get that lotto ticket today. TODAY.

  10. Awesome :-)

    Has it arrived?????

  11. oh my goodness! What a win! How very exciting!

  12. How exciting. Congratulations. Bet you'll have a ball with all that fabric.

  13. That is fantastic, congratulations!

  14. Wow wow WOW! How exciting, what a great prize!

  15. wow, congratulations . I see many hours of sewing ahead .
    Enjoy !

  16. Wow! What a wonderful prize! My gosh!

    I am hopping over from the small blog meet. Your work is beautiful, can't wait to take a look around more of your projects and posts!


  17. Wow! How exciting! What a fantastic prize!


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