Tuesday 7 June 2011

I'm a winner

Recently, the very popular and oh so crafty Jodie, of Ric Rac, had a give away on her blog.

I didn't mean to enter; I left a comment for Jodie telling her to have a good weekend at Sewjourn. My comment ended up in the Random Generator and I won this:

You Sew Girl

Published by ABC Books here in Australia, it is full of hints and tips to make me a better sewer!

Did you know, for example, that there is a difference between stitch rippers? Some are sharper than others and are therefore better. I didn't know that; I thought the one that came with the sewing machine was the same as any other!

Nikki, the author of the book, has a blog called, oddly enough, you Sew girl. And you know what?

... she may be a 'real' published author but she's normal, just like us!

1 comment:

  1. Nikki is gorgeous in real life, one of those super enthusiastic bubbly and friendly people. I see her around and about here and there and it's always with a cheerful smile. Enjoy your book it's sure to help your sewing!


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