Sunday, 6 March 2011

spring cleaning in autumn

We spent the day at DD and SIL's new home. Well, it's new to them but the building itself is about fifty years old. It's had quite a few owners and some have left a little bit of rubbish behind them.

Today the four us filled a two cubic metre (70.6 cubic feet, 2.6 cubic yards) skip bin with broken bricks, concrete and pavers, plus timber (lumber) and the loppings from several trees that were too big to go through the mulcher.

GS#1 had a wonderful day - he had a picnic in his own backyard with Grandad and Grandmum as well as Mummy and Daddy, and he got to play outside for several hours and to explore places he's never been allowed to go before. His favourite "toy" for quite some time was the whipper-snipper! Children find the strangest things amusing! He was not fond of the noise of the chain saw or the mulcher though and decided it was time to retire indoors when Grandad decided to use either of them!

Unfortunately, my camera-crazy SIL and photo-mad WM were both too busy to think to take before-and-after shots. There's still a lot of work to be done but we can all be proud of what we achieved today - the backyard looks better (though nowhere near complete) and a full skip is testament to how much work was really done!

I expected to spend the day looking after GS#1 so took plenty of knitting but got caught up in the madness that is garden renovation! Not one stitch knitted today! I'm exhausted and off to bed.


  1. I agree, Autumn is the better time to do the cleaning! Glad you had a good time!

  2. goodness I'm amazed you thought you'd get any knitting done at all. those jobs are huge, but so worthwhile!


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