Monday 19 October 2009

of this and that and unravelling the mystery

warning - long photo-free post

Do you like my new-look blog? I found the sidebar made the place looked so untidy - it was almost depressing! And what better time for a bit of spring cleaning than the middle of spring? LOL

Last week, knowing that I had to return to both jobs this week [usually terms begin a week apart] I should have been preparing lessons. But what was I doing? Of course I was. A blog doesn't change by itself. First I had to find out how to make that table-link-thingy at the top there, then I had to write a whole lot of new posts and link them and then... well, I won't bore you with the whole pseudo-geeky story! Suffice to say I'm pretty happy with the new, uncluttered web-home!

Purple is my favourite colour but I'm thinking I might change the background to cream. Hmmm! I'll have think on it some more.

And, by the way, my lessons are all prepared! All sixteen hours of them - I may even have enough to take me into next week!

And the sock workshop? Well, we had about twenty attendees [I didn't actually count them]. We had some people knitting on 4 dpns, some on 5 dpns, some on two circulars and some on one - a challenge that was, I'm happy to say, successfully met due to the capable assistance of my friend D [who could knit and graft socks in her sleep] and the goodwill of the participants in helping each other.

Everyone seemed thrilled to have learnt a new cast-on [I know it as invisible cast on]. And those that mastered grafting were doubly pleased! And yes, most of the participants did finish the whole sock at the workshop.

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! I love teaching/tutoring/facilitating and when it's related to my favourite hobby - what could be better?

"But what about the title of this post?", I hear you ask! Well folks, this may not come as a surprise to some, but back in June [on WM's birthday to be exact] I succumbed. I said I wouldn't but I finally caved in. Not because I didn't think it was a wonderful place - I knew it was. David Reidy [Sticks and String podcast] never stopped talking about when he got his invitation. He coerced, he cajoled, and still I stood my ground! It was me I didn't trust - too much time on the computer already, didn't need any new distractions!

But I gave in [I said that already, didn't I?] All because Kris - the Web Goddess - was coming to our Guild group to talk about the knitternet. We were asked to do it before she came and I finally caved in!

Oh, come on - read the title again! You can find me there as never2hot2knit but I warn you, I'm not there often! Too many distractions, too little time! *tee hee*


  1. Ravelry is such a fabulous resource, I'm glad you've joined, I don't think you will regret it.

    Not sure if this is a bug, but the link table thingy at the top takes me to a blogger message saying I don't have authority to view the blog?

  2. Thanks for the warning about no pics so I wouldn't be disappointed! lol

    Welcome aboard to Ravelry-it can be a time suck if you are not careful but as a resource, it is invaluable. I will invite you as a friend!
    BTW-I love the new look, clean, neat and pretty!

  3. Finally, knew you couldn't resist. Ravelry is a great inspiration of patterns. Remember it is addictive. Find me under 'Relle'

  4. I'm glad you gave in. A time suck it may be but it's a useful one!

    The link page doesn't work for me either, when you're sorted, can we talk about how you set up an About Me page. I've wanted to do that and am not sure how.

  5. Welcome to an expanded world!

    As the others have said a wonderful resource, and a great method of keeping track of everything. Starting off is always time consuming though!

  6. Welcome to the wonderful world! I don't spend a lot of time there on the boards or anything, but I do really love having all of my knitting projects in one place, not to mention the lovely queue function. And the pattern search! I love the patterns...

  7. I admired teh new blog style yesterday. Very clean and streamlined.

    I find Ravelry a great resource. I belong to a few forums but rarely post, although Southern Summer of Socks may cause a change. Fantastic for patterns although time consuming , and good for finding answers to puzzling questions. I have some patterns in my queue just so I don't lose track of them, but rarely fill in any of the details. No details of stash etc either.

    BTW I'm Shalom over there - a longstanding name on internet for me.

  8. Oooh I like this restful purple background. Keep it ! And I love the heading. Perfect!


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