Sunday 19 April 2009

Guild Library

Yesterday was our monthly Knitters' Guild meeting. I enjoy these meetings for many reasons.

  1. Knitting with like minded people. Most of the people in our group are friendly and there's an increasing number of computer savvy attendees!

  2. Workshops - even though I'm an experienced knitter and occasionally tutor myself, I attend every workshop I can because I might learn something!

  3. Show and Tell - I love seeing what other people are [or have been] knitting.

  4. The Guild Library - members can borrow books or a limited supply of DVDs for up to two months with no limit on the number borrowed!
So, yesterday I borrowed these two books:

I'm the very first to have this one!!

I wish I'd seen this one before I started on my latest Tomtem; there are some very cute patterns inside!!

I also borrowed this:

And DD has even more reasons to love it - yesterday she won the raffle: a $25 gift voucher at our local LYS - The Wool Inn.


  1. Oh. How lucky is DD. Congratulate her for me. My shopping list is.... :)

    Love the books.

  2. Too cool!! Love the handpaintd socks book-glad you enjoy your Knitting Guild!

  3. i think there's a very good chance I'll be at the guild meeting next month. You make sound like it's definitely worth going!

  4. It is good to knit with other people isn't it - guild is great for that.

  5. What a great guild! I wish we had one closer to me. I can't wait to hear what you think of that first book -- I've been thinking of getting it but haven't quite committed yet. Must go check my local library first, I think...

  6. Sounds like a wonderful guild


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