This has been a very difficult exercise for me. While I am thrilled to have received the Award from Deniasha, I've really struggled with 'passing it forward'. I've had a lengthy email discussion with another blogger and still I hesitate, I procrastinate, I vacillate, I prevaricate.
Now I take a deep breath and honour those who write blogs that I 'leave till last'. [As in, leave the best till last - you know, like eating the cake from the bottom so the icing is last!]
So to all my nominees - these are the rules. Do with them as you please. Just accept my humble thanks for putting your words out there for me to read and for taking the time to comment on my blog too.
1. Please put the award on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. You must nominate at least 4 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.
Now, I'll share my list with you [in alphabetical order by blog name]
I've told Bells of Bellsknits privately by email how much I enjoy her blog and now I'm making the declaration public. Bells was also awarded by Deniasha and so may not put this award on her blog. Bells writes well and shares her personal life in such a way that I feel like I'm getting to know her not just her knitting. She never shares intimate details [why should she?] - just enough to let us know how she's feeling as she goes through the ups and downs of her life.
Kate, of Blue Mountains Knits, was the person who introduced me to both blogs and podcasts. She doesn't post as much as I would like but her blog is always interesting: she has a beautiful home and garden in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney and works as a technician in our world famous Opera House. Her blog is full of beautiful photos and sometimes her gorgeous knitting [of which we haven't seen much lately, Kate!]
Carol, of Pins and Needles, is a knitter, though I can't remember the last time she showed any knitting [hey, Carol, what's on the needles?]. But she also does the most beautiful digital scrapbooking pages - restrained and elegant without being formal. ['minimalist' perhaps?] She lets the photos tell the story and the journaling is personal. Carol's also been through some ups and downs these past twelve months and many times her journaling has brought me to tears. Between the layouts are stories from her regular life as a woman, wife, step-mother, daughter and friend. Thanks Carol for sharing yourself as well as your gorgeous pages.
I've been reading Sally's blog, PomPoms, since her first post. We come from entirely different perspectives and yet we seem to have many views in common. Sally is not afraid to express her opinions on a wide variety of subjects but she does it in a way that invites comment and doesn't provoke or antagonise those with differing viewpoints [or at least that's true for this reader!] She is both open-minded to other points of view and warm-hearted in her compassion for the under-privileged [or should that be non-privileged, Sally?].
Jodie, of Ric Rac, is one of the few entirely non-knitting blogs on my list. She sews and makes the most amazing creations; sometimes from things people would throw out. Like her amazing dress made entirely from selvages. Sometimes the toys she makes and sells in her Etsy shop take over her blog; and it was one such occasion that won me over!
There are 46 other blogs on my Bloglines - and I like them all; otherwise they wouldn't be on my list. So, to everyone whose blog I read [you know who you are because I comment once in a while!] - thank you for putting your words out there!
Aww... thanks Lynne. That's very sweet. And you've highlighted some other lovely blogs. Carol is a personal friend of mine and you're right, she does do amazing stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat selvedge dress is amazing isn't it!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much. That's really appreciated.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh Lynne, how absolutely lovely of you. Errr yes, there has a been a bit of a while since I've shown you some knitting, will take a pic of my almost finished socks tomorrow, just for you!! Thank you for the award, what a lovely land blogland is, that we get to "visit", have a cuppa and read about the lives of people we may not know, but do hold dear.
ReplyDeleteAs for my blog, it's all due to Bells I started one, and yes, she does have a way of writing doesn't she, and is a lovely "real life" friend of mine.
Off to check out the other blogs!!
Congrats on your award - and now I'm off to check out the blogs you mentioned!
ReplyDeleteLynne, Thank you so much.I am dreadful at the passing forward bit of awards, it is so hard isn't it? But I am so pleased that you like my blog this much.
ReplyDeleteAs for knitting, I am a hopeless, dismal and utter failure.
Good decision, glad we got to share your reasoning and what is interesting to you, too! Happy Knitting!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a surprise - I'm working through 100+ unread blogs on my Bloglines feed, trying to comment on most of them because of the Comment Drought and I find this! Thank you very much Lynne.
ReplyDelete(I will try and put up some knitting content)