Monday 31 March 2008

An interview

Last November, I applied for a part-time position as an ESOL teacher at TAFE. Just before Christmas, I got a letter to say that the decision process would be postponed until Term 1 due to the [summer] holidays.

Three weeks ago, I received a phone call telling me that I had an interview on 25th March. Why didn't I mention it, you ask? I guess I just don't want people to know that I'm trying for something then have to say what the result was!

Anyway...I attended the interview as prepared as I could be; I had all the documents I was supposed to have, I had samples of work one of my classes had just produced [the week before]; I even had a new pair of shoes [did I say I don't like shopping for clothes or shoes? Sorry RoseRed!] and the blisters to go with them!

Let me side-track for a moment, WM had an interview for a promotional position with a NSW government department in January, and we still haven't heard the result. We have been [im]patiently waiting to hear because it could mean major changes to our situation.

And now, back to my story....On Wednesday afternoon, yes, that's right, the very next day, I had a phone call from one of the head teachers at TAFE asking if I could [and would like] to work Friday. Now, I had a knit-n-natter planned for the morning and lunch with a very dear friend afterwards, so what did I do? I said 'yes', of course.

And so it came to pass, that I am now a part-time English teacher at TAFE! I even taught again today! It's no big deal, right? Yes it is!! [to me anyway].


  1. Congrats on the job! Hope WM gets word soon. We recently went through about 5 months of waiting to hear word on Hubster's new job. Finally we found out he got it. Now we are having to move to be closer to the new job. Ugh!

  2. Congratulations on the new job! That is fantastic news :)

  3. Congratulations - glad they were quick to snap you up :o)

  4. Congratulations Lynne, that's great news (and it's ok if you don't like shoe shopping - that just lessens the competition for me!!) (but sorry to hear the new shoes gave you blisters)

  5. Way to go!! :)

  6. Oh big congratulations to you! Fantastic. I'm not exactly sure what ESOL means though? Emergency Substitute?? Am I close?

    As for your WM, it gave me the giggles. I'm in Victorian Government and yep, I'd say that's about the timeframe to hear back about jobs, LOL.

  7. Congrats on the new job. You were missed very much on Friday.

    Hope you hear about WM's position soon.

    Must watch my grammer now (or is it know)... :D

  8. Woo Hoo!

    Congratulations :)

  9. Good for you Lynne

    I have a son who lives just up the road from there at Stanhope Gardens

    Take care

  10. Wonderful news - congratulations. :)

  11. ESOL - English to Speakers of Other Languages; therefore TESOL Teacher of.....

    Thanks for all the comments! It's still a bit surreal even though I've already taught there twice!

  12. Brilliant! Hope you enjoy it.

  13. Congratulations, that's wonderful!

  14. Wonderful - well done!!!! Isn't it great! (And it's lovely to be back and I'm still catching up on all the things people did while we were away!! (Did you like my article in Yarn - I was so proud I almost burst!)


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