Saturday 23 April 2011

Maxwell John

Note: This post has been edited from the post I originally wrote this morning due to a change in circumstances. Apologies to those who had already read my previous post.

Last Thursday, 14th April, my father-in-law saw his heart specialist as he had been feeling quite unwell. The decision was made to put in a new pacemaker as the old one wasn't doing its job. That was to have happened on Monday 18th April.

FIL was admitted to hospital but was told that the operation was to be postponed and the pacemaker would be fitted on 20th April. On Tuesday 19th April, while still in hospital, FIL suffered a stroke which left him paralysed on the right side and unable to speak clearly.

He was having all kinds of intervention therapy for a couple of days. On Friday 22nd April, youngest SIL arrived. She works in aged care in a coastal country town in northern NSW. She took a look at her father and told MIL that, in her opinion, he wasn't going to get any better.

Youngest SIL has the "power of attorney" for both her parents (because of her experience in the industry). After discussion with her mother and with reference to her father's expressed wishes prior to going in to hospital, all treatments were stopped. FIL was moved to a private room, and given oxygen, morphine and antibiotics - in other words, he was being kept comfortable.

All six of his children, most of their spouses and many of his seventeen grandchildren have been in to see him. He has slept through most visits.

This afternoon, at approximately 12:40, FIL passed away.

Maxwell John, rest in peace. We love you and will miss you very much.

taken by WM on 1st September 2010

17 January 1929 - 23 April 2011


  1. There is not right or easy answer to this one! You can be reached by phone, so go and rest up for what lies ahead is my advice. Sorry for the hard times...will keep you covered in prayer.

  2. Family dilemmas. I will pray for you all, Lynne. I think you should go. Patonga is not like a million miles away anymore. You are not isolating yourself there really. I spent many happy holidays at Pearl Beach and know how restful both places are although Pearl Beach is very much gentrified from my first few years there. Then again, so is Patonga which used to be little more than fishermen's shacks.

  3. I'm sorry to hear this Lynne, I hope you and your family are doing ok.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear your news and send my sympathy and prayer to all the family.

    That is indeed a beautiful photo to treasure.

  5. Thinking of you and your family tonight x

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss, my sympathy to you and your husband and your extended families. May he rest in peace.

  7. So sorry for your loss.

  8. Sorry for your loss Lynne. My sympathies to you and your family.


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