Wednesday 13 January 2010

First "real" FO for 2010

This is the Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf (Rav link) I started last week.

This makes it the first FO to have been cast on in 2010.

Another first - I have posted some photos to Ravelry (projects) and added a list some of my stash (no photos - do you people seriously have time or the inclination to take photos of all your stash?). Oh yeah, I've added all my needles/hooks to the chart, updated my library and queued some projects for the future! Yay for holidays and time for "mucking about in boats" on the computer. I just hope my download time can cope with all these hours on Ravelry!


  1. Oh, I love the colors! And no, I don't keep my stash updated on Ravelry -- who has time?

  2. I update my stash as I knit with the yarn.... :)

  3. Ravelry definitely can be a time suck, if you let it!

    I put my stash in as I buy it, but I haven't bothered taking photos of stash I already had - it would take too long!!

  4. I love that pattern and am about to knit another one soon. LOVE your colours.

  5. Fantastic scarf-I only post finished items on Ravelry-too much of a time-eater otherwise!

  6. Love the scarf. I only put finished items on Ravelry

  7. the colours in that are fabulous!

    Lynne I don't go back and add old stash. I just add stash as it comes in. No I don't have the inclincation to do old stash!


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