Wednesday, 1 August 2007

off to the Northern Territory

WM, DD and I are off to NT at 6.30am tomorrow for a ten day holiday. WM and I both turned 50, DD turned 21 and it's our 30th anniversary so we're taking this special trip instead of buying presents for each occasion.

We are flying to Darwin (via Adelaide), visiting Litchfield National Park, travelling Gold Kangaroo on the Ghan to Alice Springs (with a stop off in Katherine to visit Katherine Gorge) then hiring a campervan to visit Uluru, the Olgas and other destinations.

I'm taking knitting but not on the plane, unfortunately!

Will post when I get back - until then, keep knitting.


  1. Enjoy your trip!!

  2. What a great itenary - have a great time and I'll look forward to all the photos you'll post of your trip ;-)

  3. Have a great trip - I miss the NT! Have a fish and chips on the wharf for me! Oh and a Cold Rock...

  4. hope you're having a wonderful time.


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