Tuesday 22 December 2009

Where, oh where, can she be?

Hello dear friends

I am not lost nor have I been abducted by aliens (LOL).

I was diagnosed with a relapse of chronic fatigue syndrome in mid-November. My doctor wanted me to stop work for the rest of the year (the Australian academic year ends in December and resumes in February). After some negotiation, I worked for three weeks until 9 December, two and a half weeks earlier than I would have otherwise. I also resigned from one of my two teaching jobs.

My doctor's instructions were for rest, rest and more rest!

Last Tuesday night, at around 8pm, my mother called me in tears. The doctor at her local hospital had told her that dad would probably not make it past Friday.

After mum's phone call, I had the dubious honour of calling my sister and brother, plus my father's brother and sister with the news. Everyone raced up to Tamworth (400km - 250 miles - from Sydney where we all live) to say their goodbyes. But the prayers of the faithful were effective and dad pulled through.

He was transferred to Tamworth Base Hospital about two hours after the call, where he is slowly recuperating. His potassium level was so high last Tuesday that a cardiac arrest was a distinct possiblity. His potassium levels were brought under control and he underwent surgery two days later. Today the catheter and the drip were removed and he walked about six metres. It's possible that he will soon be sent back to his local hopsital but there is no way that he can go home yet.

WM, brother and SIL went home on Saturday. DD and I are living in my sister's house with my mother and my sister and her three teenage kids plus one of the kid's friends! Life here is very tense and everyone is very stressed - especially my sister who works in retail (it is, after all, three days before Christmas).

When my father is transferred to the local hospital I will be moving to my parents' house with WM (who fortunately is also on annual leave) until dad comes home. DD will return home on 26 December with SIL who will be driving back to Tamworth on Christmas Eve with WM who finishes work at 2pm. It is a five hour drive so please pray for safe travel if you are so inclined.

So much for rest, rest and more rest!

So dear friends, if you don't hear from me you'll understand why. I am not at home and don't have ready access to internet. And, for those of you who believe, please pray for strength for all concerned and may the Lord's will be done in all situations.


  1. Figured your health was low; have been praying for you and your daughter, will now add your dad, too. At least you are resting from work!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear all of this news -- this is a lot to come all at once. I will be sending you and your dad my strongest healing thoughts. Be well.

  3. Oh wow, so much going on Lynne! It's all huge and exhausting. Take one step at a time and just work on taking care of yourself so you can be there for your loved ones. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  4. Holding you and yours in my heart, Lynne. My prayers are for your health and strength.

  5. Wishing you and all of your family, safe travels, good health and lots of rest and relaxation. Remember to take care of yourself, stress is a very exhausting thing, and this is often a very stressful time of year. Will be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  6. Horrible thing that CFS; I would prefer to be abducted by Aliens ;)
    It must be the time of year for flare ups.
    Thank you for letting us know that you are still around; be it in Tamworth.
    Love and prayers to you and all your family.

  7. Oh Lynne, so many things to worry about. I'm glad your dad pulled through and hope things continue to improve for him, and as others have said, be sure to look after yourself too, you can't help others if you are sick either. Hope you all have a relaxing and healthy Christmas together.

  8. This is do much to cope with but I am so pleased about your dad. Take care and rest when you can.

  9. I will be thinking about you this Christmas. I hope every one is safe and well - and you can rest!


  10. I'm so sorry to hear that life is so difficult for you at the moment. While taking care of everyone else, do please try to take care of yourself.


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