Tuesday 18 August 2009


To all members of the pseudo-KAL "Winter of Textured Knitting"

Please accept my apologies for being a 'non-present' host. I have good reasons for not having blogged in six weeks - reasons that I'd rather not share publicly. Let's just say that when I took a break from work for the winter vacation, I needed a break from blogging too.

The longer the break, the harder it was to get back into it. I'm sure you know how it is - any task [even those we enjoy] left undone, seems insurmountable and more procrastination follows [well, that's how it is for me anyway].

So, coming back has been difficult because I felt I owed you an explanation. Ultimately, though, I've realised that all I really need to do is what I did at the start - apologise; then hope that you will forgive me.

To those who contacted me by email during the past few weeks - thank you; your kindness and caring mean a great deal to me, more than you'll ever know.

As for "Winter of Textured Knitting", I will do a round up for July and August at the end of the month, which is also the end of the KAL.


  1. Good to see you back, Lynne.

  2. a break can be vital sometimes, from all sorts of things. Don't feel bad. No obligation. Do what you need to do.

    When you do a round up, I did a pair of lacy mock cable socks that I believe would qualify!

  3. Hi Lynne - good to see you back - I was getting a bit worried but hope all is ok now. A break can be a good thing, and no explanation needed.

  4. Hi Lynne
    I too am glad to see you back asI was also beginning to worry about you. It is nice how connected we all are in this massive blogosphere :)


  5. Just happy to hear that you are okay.
    No need to apologise. Yes I was a worry wort though, but your email put me at ease.

    Look after yourself, Please....

  6. Good to see you here again.

    Have been knitting the rainbows and have completed 3 socks so far!

    Hope all is well with you.

  7. Welcome back! I hope that everything is going better now, and that the break gave you the rest that you need :)

  8. Apology accepted and glad to have you back at the blog. Sending hugs......

  9. Take all the time you need. I know how hard it can be to come back. Hope it all helped.

  10. Wonderful to have you back. And GREAT news about the baby.


Hi. Thanks for dropping in. I look forward to reading your comment.
I like to answer comments; if you are "no-reply blogger" I will try my best to get back to you on your blog! I'm not on FaceBook so I can't contact you there!