Wednesday 4 February 2009

I found some photos

Photos were taken on WM's camera before we left home that I didn't know about.

Do you think it was hot?

The red ribbon on DD's bouquet is the family tartan. She wanted to use this because it would be her last day with this surname.

No photos were taken of me at home - it's just as I had been told - MotB is nothing! LOL However, here is an unedited photo of me with DD taken by a friend.

edited to remove Facebook link - I'm not on Facebook so I don't understand how it works - or doesn't!


  1. Exciting! Love your daughter's bouquet

  2. Can't see the link Lynne - only people who are friends with you on FB can see it!

    Your daughter looks stunning and I'm sure the official photographer got photos of you!

  3. Those are great pictures! And I love how happy you both look in that last one :)

  4. Your daughter looks rally lovely and you look great in the last photo.

    Had to giggle at the car all shaded like that - I hope it worked!

  5. A-ha! RoseRed alerted me to the fact that you'd sorted the photo! Lovely to finally see you Lynne!

  6. Can't comment, just in awe.

    Absolutely stunning.

    Have been waiting patiently for the past few months to see the dress.

    So right for the day.

    And the wedding dress is gorgeous also.

  7. Gorgeous - she looks beautiful, and so happy!

  8. fab-u-lous
    you all look SOOOOOOO happy
    and gorgeous

  9. Oh the purple looks absolutely beautiful on you, it's really a lovely shade. And your daughter looks like a princess bride. Bravo to her for the tartan ribbon, being married to a Scot I heartily approve.

  10. Love the purple - and the last picture of you and your daughter is lovely! Happy day indeed! and the car - so funny, did all the coverings work?


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